I just want you all to know, I love my children. I do love
them, so much…
One of my favorite things to hear out of the mouths of my children
is, “Oh, Mom!” There is just something about their tone and half-smile, with
the annoyed look in their eyes, that just gets me right in the heart, with joy!
I beat them at their own game, usually a game of wits, and they can’t deal. But,
they continue to try. Ha!
Now, this is a form of a “Mother’s Day” post, as I said I
would provide, but I wanted it to be about the reason I celebrate this day.
I love my children…
Levi, my 10-year-old son, has some of the most hilarious
one-liners I have ever heard! We recently changed primary care physicians, and
our new doctor loves to tell jokes as well. In the 2 months that we have seen
him, Levi has sprained his finger, had an allergy attack, and tried to go a third
time for another reason, and was sad to learn it wasn’t bad enough to see the
doctor. I told him it would be a bad idea to break a bone, because that would land
him in the ER where he wouldn’t see HIS doctor, but an ER doctor instead. So,
he looks at me, without missing a beat and says, “I don’t feel so good. I think
I have a fever *cough, cough*.” Really, son? Really?! (sigh) I don’t call him
my “carbon copy” for nothing.
I do love my children…
My 12-year-old, Titus, is 5ft6.5in. He has RED hair, and
delightful freckles all over his face. His smile is so sweet. Do not be fooled
by this (not so) little sweetheart, though, because he has a trickster side
that will come out of nowhere and catch you off guard. His usual victims are
his brothers, after which they will come running to me playing the unfortunate victim.
Then, when I go see what was up, Titus will look at me and say, “Oh, I just did
that, so you would come outside to see what I made.” And proceed to show me some
creation of his, made from scraps of something else he tore apart. I’m just
thankful he hasn’t tried breaking down my walls when I’m not looking, to create
a droid or some other robotic thing he enjoys.
Again, I love my children…
Micah, my youngest, is 7 years old. I call him my animal. He
can climb anything! He does this thing, he calls a swan dive… and yes, he does
it well! He gets a running start, jumps up, and soars forward until he
face-plants into the dirt below. Arms stretched out, over his head, he looks
like a curly-headed Superman flying 2ft off the ground until he lands with a
thud, rolls over, and runs back the other direction to do it again. This is a
daily event. What shocks me the most is, of my three sons, he is the only one I
have not gone to the ER with for an INJURY yet! Oh, I know the day is coming,
though. I have prepared myself emotionally, and mentally, for the day to
Oh, how I love my children…
Every day is such a joy, and a functional disaster, in my
house. Between the break-dancing (Levi) Human Crash Dummy (Micah) and the
genius of all things electronic and construction (Titus), we have unending
adventures. No, really… like we can’t even move on to the next chapter of an
adventure. It MUST stay on this on! Ha, ha!
From the “Bad Dad” jokes, to the pranks, the knock-knock jokes
that make NO sense, my three musketeers keep my brain in constant working
order. Speaking of the knock-knock jokes, Micah told one the other day that I
couldn’t help but laugh at. Let’s see if I can get it like he did…
Micah: Hey mom. Knock, knock.
Me: (kind of distracted) Uhm, who’s there?
And… that was it. Now, if anyone knows my child, they can
read this in his dramatic tone of voice. He kind of sounds like the dude
announcing the fighters in the ring on a fight night. When he finished on that
note, I sat there for a second, silently, and I could feel the physical signs
of uncontrollable laughter starting to work its way from my feet to my mouth.
He just KNEW he told a good one, and the look on his face, through is little
coke-bottle glasses, the pure joy and humor in his eyes, matching the cheeky
grin on his face as he looked at me expectantly, I couldn’t stand it. I laughed
until it hurt. Not to make him feel better about a half-done joke, but because
the whole thing was PRICELESS! It couldn’t have been a better told joke by
either of his brothers.

These three are the reasons I celebrate as a mother on
Mother’s Day. They have made me what I am, in so many ways. I look at them and
see a little of me in each of them every day. I see the softer, sensitive side of
myself in Titus. His genuine concern for others touches my heart. I see the
quirky, humorous side of me in Levi, with the jokes, silly humor, and witty
come-backs. I see my wild side in Micah; the pure enjoyment of life, and the
fun that can be found around every corner. I just wish he had a little more
caution than he does. I fear for my health with that one…
These three are as different as night, day, and some other
universe as well! It’s just me and them. They do not have a male influence in
their lives, only me. We battle the day, and enjoy the world, together. And
without them, I would be… lost.
I do… love my children. <3