Monday, March 26, 2012

Something "write" from the heart...

(This was my first blog post on my previous blog….and I wanted to share it again, as it is something very close to my heart. Although it was written for the benefit of a few, I hope it blesses others as they read it. Maybe one day I’ll be able to record it…because it is a song.)

I wanted my first blog to be of something inspirational. Here it is:
This is a poem I wrote a few months ago for a friend who's daughter was fighting cancer.
As Spring gives way to Summer,
Flowers bloom in brilliant color,
And the Sun beams bright from heaven above.
In the shade under Summer’s tree,
I think of all He’s done for me,
And I am so thankful for His love.
As Summer fades into Fall,
Words cannot describe all,
The beauty that covers the land.
And as I sit under Autumn’s tree,
I think of all He’s done for me,
And I’m thankful He holds me in His hand.
The Autumn breeze becomes Winter’s wind,
The days grow short and quickly end,
And I wonder what the future may bring.
But as I gaze out at Winter's tree,
I remember all He’s done for me,
And in this darkness He gives me strength to sing.
Then the Winter snow becomes Springtime rain,
And life returns to everything,
And the Sun dries Winter’s tears from my face.
Now I dance around Springtime’s tree,
Thanking God for all He’s done for me,
Knowing I would not be here, but for His grace.
Even when the Seasons change,
God will always be the same,
And no matter what trials come my way,
I can just lean on the rugged tree,
Where He bled and died for me,
And I know He hears me when I pray.
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall,
When it seems you life’s gone wrong,
It can end well, just watch and see.
Come with me to the rugged cross,
Where he heals the sick and saves the lost,
He can break your chains and set you free.

Here, at the foot of Season’s Tree.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Ahh the married life! I am one happy mother!!! Not only did I FINALLY get to marry the man of my dreams, rescuer of my heart (and sanity), but we got a house, got to go have the wedding in the presence of family and friends, and get away for a while…all in the same month! Yeah baby!!
For those of my readers close to me, you understand my joy and happiness at this moment in my life. And Sean and I thank you all very much for your thoughts, prayers, and other support!
I sit here and smile as I reflect on the day we married…
February 18, 2012. Family Fiesta at the McConnell Ranch. The day began hectic and only got worse as we drew closer to the time for our vows. Exactly one hour before we were to marry, I was running through the KY Oaks Mall trying to find shoes to go with my wedding dress!! I recall phoning my mother to vent my frustration, and was set back when I was met with a calm voice on the other end of the conversation! She was totally relaxed, back at home, with unfinished food, falling a bit behind here and there, but not at all worried…totally unlike my mother when guests are arriving moments away! I ran frantically up and down the mall, looking for that “perfect” pair of shoes…and at the moment we were walking toward the exit, just feet away from the door, I turned and saw them! In the window of the shoe store I had failed to look in, calling my name from the other side of the glass, were the exact pair of shoes I envisioned on my feet when I would be saying my vows! I had already bought one pair at another store, and they were already returned in my mind! Haha!
We get the shoes (for half the price they were advertised for!!! Yay!!!), and race to my parents’ house to get ready. Yeah, it’s about 4:20 now, and the wedding was set to start at 5:00pm. Sean’s fine…I’m a wreck…and when we arrive at my parents’ house everyone there (a lot of people were already there!) were also “fine”.
I got ready as fast as I could, Sean got ready as fast as he could, and we literally met in the middle of the house with my beloved grandpa to become husband and wife.
Now, as my brother would describe the wedding itself… “the kiss and the prayer were longer than the actual ceremony!” Which is totally true! I told Mom to ask Grandpa if he could find the shortest, legal, ceremony in his little black book, and he literally did! It was priceless! Every second I cherish, and will cherish for the rest of my life. <3
I am blessed, truly, and am so thankful for what I have! In all my stress recently, and the pressures I have been bending under, I have joy in the reflection of life and love, and another memory to add to my favorite things. <3
Welcome to my new blog!!! I will be moving my other blog posts from my old blog and transferring them to this one, so it will be a busy week for "My Favorite Things" as I get that all done! <3
It's a new life, I have a new name, and I'm moving forward into new things!! I welcome you all to embark on this exciting adventure with me, and together may we enjoy this unpredictable ride called "Life"!!