Saturday, November 29, 2014

First Snow

It’s a dreary day in November. Clouds are hanging low over the trees, the sun has vacated behind the dark gray, imposingly hovering objects, and the breeze has picked up into a steady wind on the hillside. Is it going to rain? The chill in the air seems a bit damp. Yeah, we are in for rain. Cold, wet, dreary rain.

Dusk. Rain is softly falling, making the light “tink, tink” sound on the metal roof of the carport outside the house. Granted, when living in California we didn’t get to enjoy this experience much, and while the cold temperatures slightly affected my joy at the event, my child was ecstatic! Running out into the rain, exclaiming and laughing, being a boy doing what they do best…get dirty. But the sight and sound brought a smile to my face.

Inside the house, the evening continues on, and we noticed some time later that the sound of the rain hitting the metal roof of the carport had stopped. At first nothing was coming from the sky, and then the change…

I squinted my eyes and looked out the window over the kitchen sink. Nothing could be heard, but there it was! Coming from the sky… softly, silently, and gracefully falling to the ground: snow. The first snow of the season! Would it stick? OH the pure joy that filled me up inside! I always tell people that if it’s going to be cold, it better snow and have good reason to be so cold! Usually all I see is rain, and often times before, ice. Tonight, however, the soft, airy, white flakes floating down from the sky, after a day of off and on rain, were a welcome relief from the dreary and wet, cold weather. Micah was thrilled! He wanted to go outside and see! He was not fully dressed, though, and I instructed him to stay inside. After a couple of hours, and lots of glittery goodness sticking to the ground, cars, trees, and covering our little world in a blanket of white, I wrapped Micah up in his blankets (he refused to put shoes on), and carried him outside into the falling snow so he could catch a few flakes with his tongue.

As I stood in the falling snow, jittery teeth and shuddering arms and shoulders, I realized what a cool thought this was! It had been raining all day! And suddenly, from the dreary clouds and rain came the season’s first snow. Light, silent, and peaceful, falling to the ground gracefully to cover the ugly puddles and muddy places with pristine beauty. Such is the story of our lives, in so many cases. Especially mine! I have been suffering the rainfall of stress and trials, and have been dredging through the mud puddles of heaviness and struggle. And suddenly, when my days have been covered thickly with dark, low hanging clouds, those same clouds cover my rain laden world with a soft, white snow. A snow that fell peacefully, gracefully, and settled all the raging emotions inside. Some of those emotions escaped through silent tears, as I lifted my face toward the sky. Tears that mixed with snowflakes rather than raindrops, bringing a sad but peaceful smile to my face as they slipped silently down and fell to the ground, leaving a small, round void where the snow was covering it.

Our world isn’t seemingly such a happy place after we are grown. There is much care, worry, pain, and heartache we endure as adults. So much rain, and heavy cloud cover. These endure through nearly every season in our lives. But every now and then, there is this season we are blessed with. This season freezes all our trials, and covers our burdens with this glistening blanket of white, giving us a view of reflected sunlight. Winter time isn’t just about Holidays and cold weather. It is about covering those things that are dead. Burying them, and preparing for life anew. Resting our burdens, and bringing a season of peace during a life of chaos. I am thankful for that first snow…the subtle reminder that peace is here, even though the weight of the rain is still on our shoulders.

This first snow fell overnight, and lasted a few days before melting away under the sunlight. It was, however, a few days of calm and reflection for me. I do not like the cold weather, but I love the snow. I’ve been absent snow for over three years. This season, while cold is dreaded, will find me welcoming every snowflake and likely playing in the snow with the kids…and enjoying the peaceful gift from above. 

Friday, November 7, 2014

To Live

Things to ponder:

Today, as I sit at the table in my parent’s home, I reflect. It has been a long couple of weeks for me, being away from my love, two pieces of my heart (children for those who don’t follow my normal verbiage…lol) being a distance from me for a time, and having battled recently battles that I simply do not understand. A few days ago I sat and pouted (yup, I pouted) about things that I believed to be beyond my control. After some self-pity time, I finally sat up as the words of my parents slowly made their way from the back of my brain to the listening portion. “When in doubt…make a list. Pros’ and Con’s. Balance it. Reflect on it. Where do you see yourself on this list?” etc… So…I start making this list. Ironically enough I started it off with “Things I have no control over:” Would you know, I could not write the things on that list that I was previously having a pity party about?! So…this is what I came up with.

·         I cannot stop the seasons from changing.
·         I cannot stop time.
·         I cannot travel forward, or backward, in time.
·         I have no power over the sun, wind, snow, rain, or catastrophic forces of nature.
·         I cannot change History.


·         I can enjoy every season for the gifts it brings; Spring (life), Summer (warmth), Autumn (beauty), and Winter (reflection).
·         I can stop myself from saying hurtful words.
·         I can speak words of love and compassion, happiness, strength, and comfort.
·         I can reach out and help where help is needed.
·         I can make the most of every moment.
·         I can bask in the sun, embrace the winds, play in the snow, dance in the rain, and marvel at the extreme forces of nature that have description beyond words.
·         I can change the future…my future.

In this we know that we ALL affect someone around us. Some affect a few, others affect many. Regardless of how many people are affected by our perspective on life (and how we carry that perspective out), they, in turn, affect others. And so goes the circle of life. Proverbs 18:21a “Death and Life are in the power of the tongue…” And yet our words, however impactful they may be, still only carry some of our entire communication. Don’t just endeavor to “speak life” but also strive to “live life”. Don’t just live…BE alive.

And with “BE Alive” I left off and looked at the list…………and realized that I needed that. Yeah…I’m struggling over things that are difficult. I’m in the middle of some battles that I wouldn’t wish on my enemies. But they are mine, and I CAN control how I come out of this… and I intend to. Honey, I’m gonna come out singing! I’m going to enjoy the changes of the seasons (even if my California-spoiled self is shaking fist at the cold temps) and what those changes will bring my way! I’m going to bask in the sun! I’m going to play in the snow! I’m going to dance in the rain, and I’m going to leave behind bright, happy colors on the canvas of my life to inspire others… to live.