Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Having A Bad Day

Ever had a bad day? A terrible, rotten, no-good, very bad, day? If you are human, and over the age of…0, then the answer is yes. Believe me, I get it. I understand, all too well. Some have more bad days than others, but the truth is, we have good days too. Recently I was in a place where believing that fact was impossible for me. Good days? Ha! Yeah, I really said that.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I look relentlessly for the good in all things. Silver linings in the dark clouds, the brightest star in the darkest night, and the beauty in the dangerous current of the rivers. However, in recent months I have found it hard to stand under the weight of things pressing me down. There have been many clouds, to which I had to be reminded have a silver lining. There have been many nights my vision was so foggy, I had to be reminded that the stars are still there. And the river current…seemed to have swept me away.

I’m the type of person who internalizes everything. If bad things happen, or if I’m upset about something, I don’t share. I stuff it all away inside, and smile. The world is, for the most part, oblivious to my pain and suffering. Even those close to me will have a hard time breaking through the walls I have put up to hide my internal battles and turmoil. I care not to burden others with my issues, and often make the mistake of taking on more than I can handle in that area, until I internally combust. This time, however, my world outside the four walls of my spirit starting falling around me, leaving my insides to crumble instead of explode. I had lost the control I once had on my world, and started drifting.

Autopilot, I believe it is called. That is where I found myself. Just going through the motions. Letting be what is, and not caring what will come. A dangerous coping mechanism, autopilot is. A person who has drifted into autopilot has no emotion. Oh, it can look like they do, trust me. They will laugh at things that are funny, get frustrated about things, and have good days and bad days, seemingly, like most other people. But they don’t feel it. It’s just a motion. I lost track of time. Days, weeks, months, none of them registered to me. But one of the cool things about us, people, is that we can bounce back. Sometimes it’s not a bounce. Sometimes it is more of a drag, or a crawl, but we can find our way out of the hole that we have plummeted into. And find myself, I finally did.

It took a while, and I did not do it alone. I needed help, and I had to make myself accept that help. Human nature is proud. It is also fearful, afraid of denial or shame. Never be ashamed of your down days. We have down days because we stood so tall for so long, holding more than our own weight. So be proud that you can take it, and don’t be afraid to sit down for a while to gather yourself. The best thing you can do for yourself when the bad days come is breathe. When you are hurting, breathe. When you feel trapped in your own mind, or body, breathe. When life has knocked you down, and still kicks you, breathe. Breathing those long, deep, cleansing breaths helps get your vision straight, and when you can see your feet, you can start to plan your next step. Breathe, find your feet, look just one step at a time, and start slow. You are healing, my friend. You are coming back together.

Can you feel it? Maybe not at first, but you will. It’s going to hurt, as healing always hurts a little at first. But you got this. Take it from someone who has fallen, gotten up, fallen again, and is currently setting foot back on solid ground. I’m healing. It hurts. It does not feel good at all. But it will. Today I will breathe. Tonight, I will breathe again. And I will continue on, taking another deep breath, and taking another step. Because I know I’m having plenty of good days, but I will miss them if I stay here. You are a star, friend. Shine on. Look up, and take the hand reaching out to help you up. You got this, and I got you.


Thursday, July 21, 2016

Back from my break!

So, in my absence from my blog many things have happened and changed for me and my family. In October of last year (2015) my godmother, Debbie Jenkins, passed away. In November my dog, Karma, was killed. Of course in September, October, November, and December we had birthdays for over half of the family. Talk about crazy! And near the end of the year my darling boss was let go from our company where I worked, and another manager was brought in.

Now, to give you a bit of a background, before I go into the beginning of 2016 for my family, I had applied for the position of Police Officer in Metropolis a couple of years ago. I submitted my application, resume, and background check information for the Chief to take to the Police and Fire Commission. About 5 months later, I was called to take the written exam and Power Test, a physical agility and strength test to make sure I would be fit to enter the academy. I passed the written test, the Power Test, and the interview, becoming 4th on the list, and the only female, for Patrol Officer in Metropolis! Talk about excited!!!

In the mean time, while I waited for my phone call, a female deputy was hired on and sent to the academy for Massac County Sheriff. Everyone was excited, and I was definitely excited! It was good to know that there was going to be another woman on the police force, locally. So, I waited and waited, and the beginning of 2016 comes around, and I get the phone call. OMG… Happy Dance!

I put in my notice at the place I was working, and on February 11, 2016, I was sworn in as Metropolis’ newest Police Officer! There were no words or actions that could contain my excitement and joy! Finally! It happened!

I spent April 3 through June 23 at Police Training Institute in Champaign, Illinois. The day after graduation, I started work at the Metropolis Police department. And since that day I have been having the time of my life! Training has continued here, and it is good, and sometimes it is hard, but the whole time I was away I learned tactics and procedures to stay alive, and keep others alive. And now I am using those things I have learned, for those very purposes!

Granted, this is a time in our lives when being a police officer is not something people set as a goal for their lives. The tension in our country between law enforcement and other groups is so heavy; I have physically felt the struggle to breathe underneath it all. But we have been told to find a reason to go to work, and find a reason to go home. I have a completely different blog post about that, though. I have taken my break from public life, and have thrown myself right back into it, in a completely different role. This role, however, is the one I KNOW I have been called to take. My passion, my heart, and my desire, is for my city and what I can do for the people here. I am excited to pick up this badge, pin it on my uniform, and step out into the streets as one of the city’s protectors and civil servants!

The following blog posts will be the articles that I wrote every week for the Metropolis Planet, while I was away at PTI. I will post them every few days, so it’s not an overload, but not making everyone wait for weeks on end to read them either.

It’s good to be back on the blog!