What are the things that make a difference in my life? What
are the things that make me smile, from somewhere deep in my soul, and all the
way out my eyes? What are the things that give me pause for a moment, to think
about what I value in life? The little things.
The little notes or homemade cards that one of my children
give to me, randomly, that says “I love you Mom.”
Every time one of my children just comes up to me and gives
me a hug out of the blue.
Every time one of them come up to me, get in my face (literally)
and all they do is smile at me and give that happy, little hum with their silly
grin on the face.
Each success or progress that I or anyone I care about
Every time I get a card or letter in the mail just to chat
or say hi.
Every time someone I know drives by my house and honks and
Every sweet memory I have of happy things.
When I find a dollar in a random place.
When I see my children seek me out from the stage at school,
during a play or school event, and they make eye contact with me and can’t stop
smiling afterwards.
When the flowers start to bloom.
Picking produce from the garden.
Playing games with the kids.
Playing in the water in summertime.
Dancing in the rain.
Snowball fights.
Building a snowman.
Taking pictures of the sunsets.
Walking along the river, and tossing some rocks into the water to see if they skip (mine only bounce like…twice).
Taking pictures of my lovely children.

Having friends.
Watching the shooting stars.
We all have a lot of little things in our lives that make a great impact on us. What are some of the things that appear small, but make you smile and walk tall?
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