Psst. Hey you. Yeah, I’m talking to you. To the person who
is sitting quietly, right now, contemplating life and how in the world you got
to the point you are at this very moment. The road has been a long one.
Everything and everyone is grating on whatever nerves you feel you may have
left. Money, job, school, kids, and daily life stresses you out before you even
sit up in your bed first thing in the morning. Your house is a mess, your car
is a mess, and you honestly couldn’t tell someone when you remember actually
eating your last full meal. You are tired. Sleep is the only thing that sounds
half-way decent to you right now. I know. I get ya. But I want to be the one to
tell you the one thing you find hard to believe right now: it’s going to be okay.
I know! I know, it sounds cliché, and you just rolled your
eyes at me. I have no idea what you are going through right now. While that may
be true, I do understand the emotions that you are experiencing. Why? How?
Well, because I am feeling them too. And with that, let me share a little
something with you…

People struggle. This is not news. We all have problems that
we share with others, and we all have problems that we keep to ourselves,
suffering in silence and solitude with whatever reasons we may have for not
disclosing our battles. Big or small, battles bring a person to their knees.
Many people question their ability to continue on, and some just don’t bother
trying…and end their own lives. Everyone handles stress, pain, grief, and of
these other strong emotions differently. But to those who feel alone, rest
assured we have ALL been there at least once in our lives. SOMETHING has
affected every adult on this planet (and many children), putting them in a
warzone of their own, testing their strengths and exposing their weaknesses. Nobody
truly knows what other people are going through, and oftentimes people who live
together in the same home have no clue what the other may be struggling with
Whatever it is that you are going through right now, be it
health; money; family; job; school; or even just some hormonal imbalance
putting you into a depressed state, the struggle truly is real. And, as real as
it is the struggle is hard. I know, because I, too, am struggling.

So, here we are, you and I, suffering alone…silently…whether
it is because we choose not to share our pain or because we tried and nobody
cared to truly hear us. The tears that are shed daily, the strange sensation
inside that scares us because it is not pain anymore, but the terrible reality
that we don’t feel the pain like before. Numbness is setting in. The ability
to feel, along with the desire to care, is vanishing and we are powerless to
stop it.

Now, for those of you who may not know what this feels like,
I can assure you that you know someone who does. All around us are people who
suffer from depression in one form or another. It is a scary place to be. There
is no certainty in life when depression is present. There are only questions,
and many of them are not good ones. Many times the depressed want someone to
understand, but they will not be the ones to make a move to be around people.
No, their conscious mind doesn’t want to be around other humans, and they will
avoid as much as possible. Most of them have to function in a normal, daily
routine, however, and will be around other people. My challenge to you is to
Be There for them. Start a conversation,
simple as it may be.
Listen to them when
they talk. Don’t respond with “I don’t know what to say”, “I wish I could help”,
or anything like that. Even if you don’t have a solution,
help them find one in your conversations. This is when we tell each
other that it’s going to be okay…and mean it.
You will be okay. Even if everything is not okay right now. There
may not seem to be an end to the dark days you are in, and every moment weighs
heavy on the heart and mind, but relief will come! Even though even an hour
seems like an eternity, and days and weeks are even longer, you can hold on and
make it through. And when you do, I will be at the end of that road waiting to
embrace you and tell you that you did it… just like me.
Becca, thank you. Thank you for always checking up on me making sure I'm ok. Being here to listen and giving amazing advice in return. You have always been here for me since I was young. You are a sister to me and I am so thankful for you. I love reading your blogs. I love you becca.