This post is difficult. It is such because it is completely
transparent. But I must recognize and dedicate a special word to a special
person in my life…
I have always been a mother of boys. Naturally. I
have three sons. However, I have a very special person in my life who I am
step-mother to, and this one is a girl. Her name is Angel.
Angel is my husband’s daughter. Her mother is Greek,
and resides in her country of origin. Angel is an absolutely gorgeous girl who
will be a beauty of a woman when she grows up! She is currently 7 years old.
I came into Angel’s life in a sudden and quite
permanent way, and looking back I wish it would have been done a bit differently.
The day I met her was the day her father went to pick her up from her mother. She
was pretty much informed that I am her daddy’s special lady friend and destined
to be her step-mother in the near future. Looking back, things could have gone
very differently had we prepared ourselves for this moment and change in her
From that day Angel spent three years in the care of
her father and myself. She went from being an only child, and the center of
everyone’s world, to living in a house full of BOYS, and being the second
oldest of four! I went from being a mother to only boys to having a girl in my
home. Not only were neither of us prepared for the change, we were also not
prepared for our own reactions to the situation.
To begin with Angel is emotional. She’s female! I
had a lot happen to me in prior years and my emotions had died during that time
in my life, so I had forgotten how to handle someone who would be so full of
them. My boys are boys…emotions aren’t really an issue unless someone is sick
or hurting physically. Angel was a different story.
Those who know me well, and know the history of our
lives, understand what I am saying, and I know I have their support and prayers
in my inner struggle. And a struggle it is.
Children in split families often suffer in so many
ways. Children need to know their mother, their father, and so on. Every child
needs to feel LOVE from the significant people in their lives, and as a step
parent it’s my job to ensure that my step child feels the same inclusion and love
as the children born from my body. While many people tell me I did what I could
considering my situation, I literally think about those three years every day
now that she is in Greece with her mother. Could I have changed things at any
point? Could I have taken her out more just me and her, and had more of a
woman/girl bond? Could I have encouraged more father/daughter outings for her
and my husband? Did I do enough? Did I blow it?
While I know I cannot change the past, I do know
that I can create a better future!
While Angel is absent from this house physically,
she is still here. We miss her. We love her. I love her! So, while she is away,
I will work hard to be a love speaker as she is. I am making changes in so many
other areas of my life, but this one is as important (maybe more) as the other
changes are. Why? Because Angel is important! I will endeavor to be better, do
better, and love more loudly than the last time. My silent, non-emotional shell
is coming off!
I have learned a lot from Angel, and while I did not
apply those lessons while she was here as I should have, I am applying them
now! Love out loud. Love often. Cry when it hurts! While they are not best let
out 24/7, Emotions aren’t meant to be kept in 24/7. Containing them as I have all these years
hurts not only yourself but those around you. I hope Angel never hides hers.
Her transparency has opened my eyes to my need to be the same. Handling these
emotions, when on the receiving end, is another lesson I’ve learned. And I’m so
thankful for that lesson, and for my teacher, my step-daughter.
When I see Angel’s sweet face again, I am going to
just hug her and hold her tight, look into those big, brown, beautiful eyes and
tell her just how much I love her and miss her and am so glad she is a part of
my life! And I can’t wait.
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