(This was my first blog post on my previous blog….and I wanted to share it again, as it is something very close to my heart. Although it was written for the benefit of a few, I hope it blesses others as they read it. Maybe one day I’ll be able to record it…because it is a song.)
I wanted my first blog to be of something inspirational. Here it is:
This is a poem I wrote a few months ago for a friend who's daughter was fighting cancer.
As Spring gives way to Summer,
Flowers bloom in brilliant color,
And the Sun beams bright from heaven above.
In the shade under Summer’s tree,
I think of all He’s done for me,
And I am so thankful for His love.
As Summer fades into Fall,
Words cannot describe all,
The beauty that covers the land.
And as I sit under Autumn’s tree,
I think of all He’s done for me,
And I’m thankful He holds me in His hand.
The Autumn breeze becomes Winter’s wind,
The days grow short and quickly end,
And I wonder what the future may bring.
But as I gaze out at Winter's tree,
I remember all He’s done for me,
And in this darkness He gives me strength to sing.
Then the Winter snow becomes Springtime rain,
And life returns to everything,
And the Sun dries Winter’s tears from my face.
Now I dance around Springtime’s tree,
Thanking God for all He’s done for me,
Knowing I would not be here, but for His grace.
Even when the Seasons change,
God will always be the same,
And no matter what trials come my way,
I can just lean on the rugged tree,
Where He bled and died for me,
And I know He hears me when I pray.
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall,
When it seems you life’s gone wrong,
It can end well, just watch and see.
Come with me to the rugged cross,
Where he heals the sick and saves the lost,
He can break your chains and set you free.
Here, at the foot of Season’s Tree.