Monday, October 22, 2018

Day 6: Frustrations and Blessings

My Joyfully Chaotic Life Day 6

A weekend that has been anticipated for months was a slight disappointment. Not because we failed us, but because things happen that are beyond our control from time to time, and we have to deal with those situations as they come.

The Encampment was held this weekend, at Fort Massac State Park in Metropolis. The boys made it Friday, for Educational Day, but we did not make it for the rest of the weekend; Saturday or Sunday. 

But, Saturday is the day we are talking about…

Did I get much done? Not really. I spent parts of my day looking for a way to get into town, so my boys and I could enjoy the encampment. I will admit, I didn’t look as dedicatedly as I could have, but I did try.

Levi had his best friend’s birthday party to go to at 3pm, and I was trying to find him a ride. Not having a car has been stressful before, but these past two weeks have been horrible!! I won’t lie! Schedule conflicts, no transportation, and stress are never a good mix. Ever.

Micah has Dr appointments, therapy, I have therapy, they have school, I need to do grocery and necessity shopping, and there’s just so much that requires a functioning car… something I do not have at this time. I have spent a lot of time, every day, looking out my window at the Denali sitting in my driveway, and try to wish it functional again so I can go places and do the things I need to do. 

Instead, I make phone calls and reschedule, cancel, and change plans.

Am I complaining? Not really. This is not a rant. I’m about to switch gears, here.
While I look out my window, I see my grandmother’s house next door. Their yard. Their space. And, I turn around and look at mine. And I am thankful. I live in the country. I have space and peace for myself and my boys, and my grandparents are the ones who made this possible for me. I am truly thankful. If we ever need anything, they come to assist. I wouldn’t trade where I am, right now, for anything else in the world. For so many reasons!

Yes, not having a car sucks. It really does. But! It’s not the worst thing in the world. My kids ride the bus to school and back. I’m not THAT far from civilization that I cannot get some things I need. And, my grandmother is always surprising us with snacks, drinks, and invites to their house for lunch or dinner on random days.

I’m not too bummed about missing the encampment. Yes, it’s a fun event, but it’s crowded. The past 3 years that I have gone, I have struggled to breathe and not lose my ability to function. Anxiety is a monster that cannot be seen until it’s too late to control the episode. So, in all honesty, missing the most humanly populated event of the year wasn’t really, that disappointing for me.

Kenny promised the kids a make-up adventure to replace the fun THEY missed from encampment. They’re excited about the coming surprise! And with Kenny… the biggest boy in the bunch, I’m sure it will be a boy’s adventure! And THAT I don’t mind one bit. It makes for some entertaining videos along the way! Hah!

But I shall leave you with this, and always, to enjoy the little things. Because those little things compile into a LARGE amount of peace, sanity, and blessings!

#Hugs !

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