I endured, and survived, my first winter season in central California! Yay me! And now, we get to enjoy springtime as a family, in a new house, a new chapter in an exciting life together!
At school last month, the kids’ teachers gave them some seeds to plant in class. At the end of the week Titus and Angel got to bring their little planter cups home. As it would be with small children and fragile things, one plant did not get a chance to grow as it was flooded and picked at by small fingers, and the other plant was pulled out of its little cup by even smaller fingers, and I now have two disappointed children. Now, that being said, we are going to make use of our new, good sized, front yard and buy some seeds for all of the kids to plant, in a location out of reach of pets and small fingers unless strictly supervised. The back yard serves as the “playground” for my little crew, but the front yard would be the perfect haven for young plants started by my little gardeners.
Titus is thrilled!! I can’t wait to see his face when he plants his seed and covers it, waters it, and eventually witnesses the plant breaking through the ground and opening up that first time! Yes, I will be taking pictures of the process and posting them, you can count on that!
One thing that comes to mind when I think about their excitement in this little spring/summer adventure is the parallel we have going on here. Just as my babies are watching their little seeds grow with excitement and great care towards them, I am excited to see my children growing each day, and caring for them. And as each seed that they plant produces something different, none the same, this is how it is with my children. Each one is different, unique in their own way.
And….since my kids aren’t too keen on the idea of drinking water by itself, I am definitely using this as my opportunity to teach them the importance of water, and its life-giving qualities and other wonderful uses. If they see their plants grow and produce beauty and color from water (what my dad likes to call ‘sky-juice’), they will be more enthusiastic about giving their own bodies that nourishment. We shall see…
But oh the joy I get every day, watching my children experience joy in their little adventures! Smiles and laughter are the payment for time well spent to see them happy. And these are just a few of my favorite things. <3